Energy Drive

Representative: Marius du Plooy

Marius du Plooy explained how Energy Drive has introduced variable speed drive (VSD) technology to various industries to assist clients in achieving maximum energy savings while still achieving maximum production throughputs. Energy Drive retrofits the energy-efficient VSD technology that varies the speed of a normally fixed speed motor onto commonly used motor installations, including fans and pumps. As of September 2021, Energy Drive achieved 642 550 257 in kW/h reductions, which resulted in 893-million litres of water saved, and reduced 676-million kilogrammes in emissions of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Also, the use of 440-million kilogrammes of coal and ash was saved. This is equivalent to saving the power needed to run to 16 800 households.

Judges comments

  • Energy Drive is tackling an incredibly important topic that is currently under prioritised in South Africa: energy efficiency. And they have started at a place where the potential is really big: energy efficiency in electrical motors

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